Dear Colleagues,

I would like to take this opportunity to send my warmest greetings to all of you and your families. May you all have a joyful Christmas and fruitful year ahead.

This year has been eventful for me, having assumed the role of 1st Vice-President, and now, the President of WDSF. This coincided with the inclusion of our discipline’s first appearance in the Youth Olympic Games. This has prompted me to relook at the presentation of our other disciplines. I believe it is now the right time for us to reshape the image of sports to be games-ready, while still keeping our traditions intact. In this coming year, we will be busy looking into launching a Sports Series competition, adding additional ranking events, even revamping our judging system and improving competition environments.

I have plans to tap into the expertise of our members and I am confident that together, we can revitalise our sports and make new improvements to become a role model among the IOC-Recognised Sports Federations.

Warmest Regards,

Shawn Tay

WDSF President